Saturday, July 9, 2022


Angklung is very a popular musical instrument from South East Asia.  I've experienced playing Angklung with kids a few weeks ago. It was such a fun. 

Basically Angklung per set contains 40 instruments with different notes.  So, each pupil will only focus to play his own Angklung. Then, all combined together becoming  a nice melody.

Who taught angklung? The school invited a private teacher and explain the lesson well to the music teachers. In addition, he gave a few musical books as teachers' reference.   

I'm not a music teacher. I just want to be involved in the activity. The experiences is priceless.

There are a few size of Angklung. This is the big one.

 You can see behind us, Angklung is a huge instrument which contains of different sizes Angklung  and with different types of melody


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